A new perspective on the Love Dare

Since I have started over with The Love Dare, my heart and mind are starting to change. In the beginning, I knew that I wanted to learn how to love Gods way and loving myself as well as my significant other but I must admit that I wanted to do this to see a ring at the end of the tunnel so to speak. With this new perspective, I can tell you that this love dare thing is very hard. I had to say nice things, have nice thoughts and again ask what I do that irritates him. Instead of asking him what irritates him, I asked what do I do that makes him uncomfortable. His answer hurt so bad but all I could do is listen. He said that my attitude makes him uncomfortable with me. That I come start arguments just because out of thin air and that makes him not want to be around me. This was a hard pill to swallow.

But I had to look at this not in an emotional standpoint or a worldly standpoint, but in a biblical one. The bible says in Proverbs 25:24 -Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. What makes a man excited to come home to his wife? What makes a wife excited to come home to their husbands? Is the genuine love that they show you? Or their attitude from the day or irritations their family and or coworkers that they are ready to take out on you?  This opened up my mind to see things in a different perspective. If I'm trying to be someones wife one day, what am I showing? That my guard is up and I'm ready to fight. This is not the women of God I'm supposed to be. 

These dares are getting harder by the day.


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