The Power of Clarification

For the past three years, I have felt that I was never good enough. Since going through a divorce that was not my choice it has done some damage to my self esteem. I felt that since he no longer wanted me because I was not good enough, I would never be good enough for anyone else. By the grace of God we have no hard feelings for each other and we can communicate together without emotions involved. Yesterday was a complete breakthrough for me, we were able to talk about the past and clarify anything that may have effected us to this day. He said that he was so focused on the marriage and wanted to see us succeed that he forgot about me. I told him that one thing that he told me that still effects me is the time that he said that I was "perfect but there is room for improvement." I told him how hurt I was from that and how it is hard for me to look at myself in a positive because I was not good enough for him. He was able to clarify what he meant by that and admitted that the way he wanted me to dress was based on the women he looked at while watching porn. As soon as he began to explain himself, I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I'm so thankful to God that we were able to talk yesterday. We both agreed that the conversation has allowed both of us to heal and move forward. I just pray that everyone can be able to clarify anything that they have said on done to the one that they hurt to allow both parties to heal and move forward.

I just feel so light, blessed and thankful.

Praise God!!!!!


Felicia said…

You are a blessing and so is your blog. Keep writing. It's helping me too...

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