Are you in my network?

People will find that as they continue to grow and mature, somethings and people have to be removed from your life. Just like when you receive an insurance policy, your deductible will either go up or down depending upon the plan that you choose.  With that plan, you have an option to go to physicians that are in or out of your network. Of course my choice is to stay in network for that has the most coverage. But there are time where you see a doctor that is not in that network and you wont know until you receive a bill.

This is how I look at my friendships. Can this person help me in the area of need? Or is it gong to cost me more to have them in my life? As I continue to grow daily, I 'am checking my network policy and removing those that are no longer in it. Someone once told me that a friendship is like an elevator, you can either bring me up, or continue to bring me down. Of course when your friends are down and in need, you try your hardest to lift them back up. But you must understand that you can not bring your self so low to where you start to act and think like them.

Sometimes the best thing to do is pray for them and keep your mouth shut. If you have a friend that constantly needs to be saved, you need to take a step back and see if you need to continue to invest in this network.  This may be hard for some as it was for myself. But I just hold on to the fact that I am not who I was and the people around me need to be on a higher deductible in order to push me higher in life.
Just pray and ask God to bring in new people in your life that is in you network as you release the ones that are not.

God Bless †


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