Letting go of the story

We are all books in the library of life. Some of us have beautiful chapters, while others have deep and dark ones. The best thing to do is learn from those chapters. However, some people become so stuck in those chapters that they are unable to move forward. I was one of those people for many years. To be honest, I was effected and blindsided from my divorce that I couldn't see past if for four years.

I always asked why, what did I do, what if, should have, could have, and so much more. All those questions left me with the same answers. Even "moving on" and starting a new relationship was complete immaturity on my part. I was so in the past mentally that my present was neglected. Meanwhile my ex husband seemed to have move on and be completely happy in his new season. Key word, seemed. I didn't ask him until years later how he was really doing in his process.

Why am I telling you this? Because I do not want you to do what I did. Do not remain so stuck in the story that you miss the blank books in front of you. We tend to become complacent in our chapter that we don't see the value of the whole book. Yes they hurt you, lied to you, abused you, fired you, and even abandoned you. But that is not the whole story of your life.

This is simply a chapter in your story and all you have to do is turn the page. Staying stuck will do nothing for you but hold you up in your healing and growth. It's time to be honest on your season, take a deep breath, and turn the page. Healing is hard but trust me when I say it's worth it.


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